user: GUEST
width: 600

DescriptionMetastelma (genus), Metastelma R.Br., 1810 (authority).
Parent nodes
Child nodes
  • taxid:1197364 Metastelma giuliettianum (species), Metastelma giuliettianum Fontella (authority).
  • taxid:185020 Metastelma aff. parviflorum (species).
  • taxid:1114839 Metastelma angustifolium (species), Metastelma angustifolia (misspelling), Metastelma angustifolium Turcz. (authority).
  • taxid:219256 Metastelma parviflorum (species), Metastelma parviflorum (Sw.) R.Br. ex Schult. (authority).
  • taxid:167888 Metastelma schaffneri (species), Metastelma schaffneri A.Gray (authority).
  • taxid:277964 Metastelma myrtifolium (species), Metastelma myrtifolium Decne. (authority), Stelmation myrtifolium (synonym), Stelmation myrtifolium (Decne.) E.Fourn. (authority).
  • taxid:475150 Metastelma sp. 1 AK-2007 (species).
  • taxid:1197365 Metastelma harleyi (species), Metastelma harleyi Fontella (authority).
See also157419
ID   157419           TAXONOMY;
DE   Metastelma (genus).
PA   167488 (parent ID)
CC   authority = Metastelma R.Br., 1810
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CC   This entry is a placeholder for the corresponding entry in the NCBI
CC   taxonomy
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